Computer viruses have become a very big deal as far as computing is concerned and especially when we connect to the internet on daily basis spending hours browsing, checking emails, downloading stuff, transacting e-business, chatting and for playing music and watching movies. The uses of social networking sites have also become a major factor in determining the extent to which people use their computers. Thus the threats of attacks from cyber criminals using malicious programs to exploit the loop holes and vulnerabilities of our computers have become a very serious issue which we must pay attention to.
It’s not always easy to tell if your computer has been compromised or not, even with the most advanced security deployed on your computer. More than ever before, the authors of viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware are going to great lengths to hide their code and conceal what their programs are doing on an infected computer.
That’s why it’s essential to follow the advice given in this article which can also serve as a guide to help you improve upon your computer information security. The prudent thing to do is to install or deploy a very good Internet security software and anti-virus on your computer or server to protect you from cyber attacks. Also make sure that you regularly apply security patches to your operating system and applications and also backup your critical system data and keep them away in a safe place.
You may be using a computer which is already infected by a very notorious and dangerous virus but you are not aware of it and so by the time you realize this, it may be too late to do anything about the situation. It is also very difficult to provide a list of definite characteristic symptoms of a compromised computer because the same symptoms can also be caused by hardware malfunctions and software problems so here are a few events which when they occur might ring a bell to warn you off an attack which is about to occur or an attack which has already occurred.
1. If your computer behaves strangely, i.e. in a way that you haven’t seen before.
2. If you see unexpected messages or images popping up on the screen.
3. If you hear unexpected sounds, played at random.
4. If Programs start unexpectedly, e.g. when your web browser opens by itself and cannot be closed.
5. When your personal firewall tells you that an application has tried to connect to the Internet and it’s not a program that you run frequently.
6. When your friends tell you that they have received e-mail messages from your address even though you never sent them anything.
7. When your computer ‘freezes’ frequently, or programs start running very slowly.
8. When system error messages start appearing too often.
9. When your operating system fails to load when you boot your computer.
10. When you notice that files or folders have been deleted, changed or replicated several times.
11. When you notice frequent system activity even though your computer is supposed to be idling. E.g. when hard disk access is indicated when you’re not running any programs.
12. When you try to shut down your computer and the shut down option is grayed out (the shut down option is disabled).
13. When your computer automatically restarts after you have shut it down. E.g. when you cannot shut down your computer from the operating system.
14. When you notice that your hard disk drive suddenly starts getting full even though you have not stored that much information on it.
15. When you notice that you cannot access the Task Manager. E.g. Task Manager has been grayed out or disabled.
16. When you received loads of unsolicited emails.
17. When you notice that you cannot copy, create or delete files and folders from your hard disk drive.
18. When you notice that your system pass word has been changed so you cannot log into your computer.
19. When you notice that web sites related to antivirus software or the Windows Update service has become inaccessible.
20. When you notice that your antivirus program has been automatically turned off or disabled and you cannot re-start it.
You must act very quickly if you experience any of the above symptoms because it is a clear indication that your computer may be having a hardware or software problem or a virus, worm or Trojan infection so this is what you should do:
1. Disconnect your computer from the Internet immediately.
2. If your operating system will not load, start the computer in Safe Mode by pressing and holding down F8 as soon it begins, then choose 'Safe Mode' from the menu that will appear. If this fails try booting from a rescue CD.
3. Make sure your anti-virus signatures are up-to-date. If possible, don't download new updates using the infected computer, but rather use another computer which you are sure is clean. This is important because if your computer is infected and you connect to the Internet, the malicious program may send important information to a remote hacker, or send itself to people whose e-mail addresses are stored on your computer and this will help spread the virus infection.
4. If you have any problems removing malicious programs, check your antivirus vendor’s web site for information on any dedicated utilities that may be needed to remove a particular malicious program. Kaspersky Lab has very effective removal tools for these malicious codes and viruses. Check them out from the following website:
5. If your computer is connected to a local area network, immediately disconnect it from the network and run a full scan of the infected computer. Also remember to scan all your external storage media as well (pen-drives, flash disks, etc.) because the infection may have already spread onto them.
Good computer information security programs such as those provided by Kaspersky Lab provide you with the option to disinfect objects, quarantine objects that may be infected, and delete worms and Trojans. They also create a report file that lists the names of infected files and the malicious programs found on the computer.
If your antivirus software doesn't find anything, then your computer may probably not be infected after all. You must then check the hardware and software installed on your computer and also remove any unlicensed software and any junk files that may be the cause of the system behaving abnormally and also make sure that you have the latest operating system and application patches and updates installed.
If necessary, contact your Information Security vendor’s technical support department for further advice. You can also ask them how to submit a sample file for analysis by our Kaspersky Lab virus researchers.
Together in our own very small way, let us all help each other through information dissemination such as this one to make cyber space a safe place to be. Remember that if you are not yet protected, I might be the next to be attacked.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Last Wish.
When Yaw got home that night as his wife Akua served dinner, he held her hand and said “I have something to tell you darling”. She sat down and ate quietly. Again, he observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly he realized that he did not have the courage to open his mouth to say what he had to say. Nevertheless, he had to let her know what he was thinking. He finally raised the topic calmly. “I want a divorce”.
Akua didn't seem to be annoyed by his words, instead she asked him softly, “but why, my darling”? Yaw avoided her question and this subsequently made her angry so she threw the spoon she was holding and shouted at him, “You are not a man”! That night they did not talk to each other. Akua wept the whole night. Yaw obviously knew she wanted to find out what had happened to their marriage, but he could hardly give her a satisfactory answer. Akua had finally lost out to a lovely girl called Adzo. The truth was that Yaw no longer loved her anymore, but rather pitied her!
With a deep sense of guilt, Yaw went to his sturdy and took out a sheet of paper on which he drafted a divorce agreement, in which he stated that she could have the plush 8 bed-room mansion, the S-class Jaguar car, and 30% stake in the law firm. She glanced at it and then tore it up into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with him had suddenly become a total stranger. Yaw felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but he could not take back what he had said for he now loved Adzo very dearly.
Finally, she cried loudly in front of him, which was what he had expected to see. To him, her cry was actually a kind of release and the idea of a divorce, which had obsessed him for several weeks, now seemed to be firmer and clearer. The next day, Yaw came back home very late and found Akua writing something at the bedside table. He did not have supper and went straight to bed and fell asleep very fast because he was tired after an eventful and blissful day with Adzo.
Yaw woke up a few hours later and found that Akua was still there at the table writing. He shrugged and went back to bed. In the morning, she presented her divorce conditions to him stating that she did not want any property from yaw but instead, she just needed a month's notice before the divorce could take place. She requested that in that one month both of them should try as much as possible to keep up a good appearance so as not to make anyone suspicious about the pending divorce. Her reasons were simple; their nine-year old son had his exams coming in a month’s time and she did not want to disrupt him with a broken marriage. This was very agreeable to Yaw so he answered “Why not?” However, she had something more to say to him. She asked Yaw to recall how he had carried her into their bridal room on the wedding day. She therefore requested him to carry her out of their bedroom to the front door every morning for the remaining one month of their marriage which had obviously hit the rocks. Yaw for a moment thought his wife had gone crazy to ask for such an odd request, but he agreed since this was just to make their last days together bearable.
Yaw told Adzo about his wife's strange divorce conditions and she laughed out loudly and thought it was very absurd. “No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce”, she said scornfully. Akua and Yaw had not had any body contact since the divorce intention was explicitly expressed so when he carried her out on the first day, they both appeared clumsy. Their nine-year old son found this act very pleasing so he clapped behind them saying, “Daddy is holding mommy in his arms”. These words brought a deep sense of pain to Yaw as he carried his wife out from the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, then he walked over ten meters with her in his arms. As this occurred, Akua closed her eyes and said softly to her husband; “Please do not tell our son about the divorce”. Yaw nodded, feeling somewhat upset about the whole episode. He put her down outside the door and she walked the rest of the distance to wait for the bus. Yaw then hopped into his new 7-series BMW and drove off to work alone pondering over the whole issue and the effects it was bound to have one his nine year old son.
The second day arrived and both of them acted much more easily. This time around, she leaned on Yaw’s chest and he could smell the fragrance of her blouse. He realized that he had not looked at his wife carefully in almost three months. He also realized that she was not getting younger any more and he could see there were fine wrinkles showing on her face and her hair was also beginning to go gray! Their troubled marriage had already begun to take its heavy toll on Akua. For a minute, Yaw kept wondering to himself “what have I done to my dear wife?”.
On the fourth day, when he lifted her up, he felt a sense of intimacy returning for the first time in months. “This is the woman, who has given ten years of her life to me” he thought to himself.
On the fifth and sixth day, he realized that the sense of intimacy between them was growing even bigger and he felt like kissing his wife but he quickly wiped the thought off his mind as though it was a deadly plague. He did not tell Adzo about this when he got to the office this time around. He had also noticed that it had become easier for him to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made him stronger, he thought to himself.
Akua was choosing what to wear one morning and after trying on quite a few dresses, she realized she could not find any suitable one to wear so she sighed, “All my dresses have grown bigger”. Yaw was watching from a distance and then he suddenly realized that indeed his wife had actually grown lean and that was the reason why he could carry her more easily over the past few days. It suddenly downed on him that Akua his lovely wife of ten years had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart that it had caused her quick weight loss in just a few weeks. This was not to mention the loss of their five year old daughter Serwaa who had also died a few months back while Akua was away on a business trip abroad. Serwaa had fallen off her bicycle and in the process knocking her head on the pavement. While she lay on the ground unconscious, the maid servant had called Yaw to come home to attend to the emergency but because he had delayed a whole hour, she was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. Akua blamed herself for not being around when this happened and had been living with the guilt ever since. Yaw quietly reached out and touched her hand.
At that very moment their son Junior came in and said, “Dad, it is time to carry mom out”. To him, seeing his father carry his mother out every day had become a joy to watch. Akua then gestured to the little boy to come closer and she hugged him tightly. Yaw turned and looked away because he felt guilty about what was happening to his marriage and then again he was afraid he might change his mind about the divorce at the last minute. He quickly held his wife in his arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, and then to the hallway. Her hand surrounded his neck softly and naturally as he held onto her body tightly; it was just like their wedding day. However, her much lighter weight made him feel very sad.
On the last day, when he held her in his arms he could hardly move a step. Their son had already gone to school so he held her tightly and said, “Darling, I had not noticed that our life lacked soo much intimacy”. He drove off as usual to work alone but half way through, he changed his mind and headed straight for Adzo’s apartment. Upon reaching the car park, he jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door and headed for apartment number 207 on the fifth floor. He was afraid that any more delay would make him change his mind about what he was about to do. Yaw pressed the door bell and Adzo opened the door with a very big smile on her face. “Honey, please come in and make yourself comfortable. What brings you here so early in the morning?”
Yaw said to her, “I am sorry, Adzo, but I do not want the divorce anymore”. She looked at him in astonishment and then touched his forehead. “Honey, are you alright? Do you have a fever”? She asked. Yaw moved her hand off his forehead and repeated what he said. “I am sorry Adzo, I said, I will not divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I did not value the details of our lives and not because we did not love each other any more”. As he spoke, he realized that ever since he carried his wife into his home on their wedding day, he had also vowed to hold onto her until death do they part. He now saw how foolish he had been and the great pain he had caused his wife. He was still in dreamland when Adzo woke him with a dirty slap across his face. “You son of a bitch! Get out of my house and come back no more!” She pushed him out and slammed the door behind her. Adzo crawled onto the sofa, the very place where they had made passionate love for the first time ten months ago, and burst into tears. “Oh Yaw, you will surely pay for this. I left my fiancée for you because I thought you really loved me!”. “Oh what a big fool I have been, God will surely punish you one day” She kept on saying these words as she wept and cried throughout the whole morning.
Yaw quietly climbed down the stairs and drove off in a state of guilt and total confusion. He drove around town for several minutes sobbing softly and not knowing where to go. He spotted a floral shop on the way, and then a thought flashed through his mind. “Oh damn! Why not!” he said to himself as he stopped the car. He quickly wiped the tears off his eyes with his hands and stepped out of the car. Then he walked into the shop to order a bouquet of fresh white roses. The sales girl asked him “Sir, what should I write on the card?” He smiled and wrote “Darling, I will carry you out every morning until death do us part”.
Folks, the very small details of our lives are what really matter in any relationship. It is not the mansion, the cars, properties, money at the bank, etc, etc, etc. All these things will definitely create an environment conducive for happiness to strive but they cannot give happiness in themselves so let us find and make time to be close to our spouse's, families, friends and loved ones.
There is a lot to learn from this short story and I urge you to pray after reading it and ask God to help you identify your shortcomings in order to enable you rekindle your relationship one more time. By so doing, we will be able to build strong relationships that can stand the test of time.
When Yaw got home that night as his wife Akua served dinner, he held her hand and said “I have something to tell you darling”. She sat down and ate quietly. Again, he observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly he realized that he did not have the courage to open his mouth to say what he had to say. Nevertheless, he had to let her know what he was thinking. He finally raised the topic calmly. “I want a divorce”.
Akua didn't seem to be annoyed by his words, instead she asked him softly, “but why, my darling”? Yaw avoided her question and this subsequently made her angry so she threw the spoon she was holding and shouted at him, “You are not a man”! That night they did not talk to each other. Akua wept the whole night. Yaw obviously knew she wanted to find out what had happened to their marriage, but he could hardly give her a satisfactory answer. Akua had finally lost out to a lovely girl called Adzo. The truth was that Yaw no longer loved her anymore, but rather pitied her!
With a deep sense of guilt, Yaw went to his sturdy and took out a sheet of paper on which he drafted a divorce agreement, in which he stated that she could have the plush 8 bed-room mansion, the S-class Jaguar car, and 30% stake in the law firm. She glanced at it and then tore it up into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with him had suddenly become a total stranger. Yaw felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but he could not take back what he had said for he now loved Adzo very dearly.
Finally, she cried loudly in front of him, which was what he had expected to see. To him, her cry was actually a kind of release and the idea of a divorce, which had obsessed him for several weeks, now seemed to be firmer and clearer. The next day, Yaw came back home very late and found Akua writing something at the bedside table. He did not have supper and went straight to bed and fell asleep very fast because he was tired after an eventful and blissful day with Adzo.
Yaw woke up a few hours later and found that Akua was still there at the table writing. He shrugged and went back to bed. In the morning, she presented her divorce conditions to him stating that she did not want any property from yaw but instead, she just needed a month's notice before the divorce could take place. She requested that in that one month both of them should try as much as possible to keep up a good appearance so as not to make anyone suspicious about the pending divorce. Her reasons were simple; their nine-year old son had his exams coming in a month’s time and she did not want to disrupt him with a broken marriage. This was very agreeable to Yaw so he answered “Why not?” However, she had something more to say to him. She asked Yaw to recall how he had carried her into their bridal room on the wedding day. She therefore requested him to carry her out of their bedroom to the front door every morning for the remaining one month of their marriage which had obviously hit the rocks. Yaw for a moment thought his wife had gone crazy to ask for such an odd request, but he agreed since this was just to make their last days together bearable.
Yaw told Adzo about his wife's strange divorce conditions and she laughed out loudly and thought it was very absurd. “No matter what tricks she applies, she has to face the divorce”, she said scornfully. Akua and Yaw had not had any body contact since the divorce intention was explicitly expressed so when he carried her out on the first day, they both appeared clumsy. Their nine-year old son found this act very pleasing so he clapped behind them saying, “Daddy is holding mommy in his arms”. These words brought a deep sense of pain to Yaw as he carried his wife out from the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, then he walked over ten meters with her in his arms. As this occurred, Akua closed her eyes and said softly to her husband; “Please do not tell our son about the divorce”. Yaw nodded, feeling somewhat upset about the whole episode. He put her down outside the door and she walked the rest of the distance to wait for the bus. Yaw then hopped into his new 7-series BMW and drove off to work alone pondering over the whole issue and the effects it was bound to have one his nine year old son.
The second day arrived and both of them acted much more easily. This time around, she leaned on Yaw’s chest and he could smell the fragrance of her blouse. He realized that he had not looked at his wife carefully in almost three months. He also realized that she was not getting younger any more and he could see there were fine wrinkles showing on her face and her hair was also beginning to go gray! Their troubled marriage had already begun to take its heavy toll on Akua. For a minute, Yaw kept wondering to himself “what have I done to my dear wife?”.
On the fourth day, when he lifted her up, he felt a sense of intimacy returning for the first time in months. “This is the woman, who has given ten years of her life to me” he thought to himself.
On the fifth and sixth day, he realized that the sense of intimacy between them was growing even bigger and he felt like kissing his wife but he quickly wiped the thought off his mind as though it was a deadly plague. He did not tell Adzo about this when he got to the office this time around. He had also noticed that it had become easier for him to carry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made him stronger, he thought to himself.
Akua was choosing what to wear one morning and after trying on quite a few dresses, she realized she could not find any suitable one to wear so she sighed, “All my dresses have grown bigger”. Yaw was watching from a distance and then he suddenly realized that indeed his wife had actually grown lean and that was the reason why he could carry her more easily over the past few days. It suddenly downed on him that Akua his lovely wife of ten years had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart that it had caused her quick weight loss in just a few weeks. This was not to mention the loss of their five year old daughter Serwaa who had also died a few months back while Akua was away on a business trip abroad. Serwaa had fallen off her bicycle and in the process knocking her head on the pavement. While she lay on the ground unconscious, the maid servant had called Yaw to come home to attend to the emergency but because he had delayed a whole hour, she was pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. Akua blamed herself for not being around when this happened and had been living with the guilt ever since. Yaw quietly reached out and touched her hand.
At that very moment their son Junior came in and said, “Dad, it is time to carry mom out”. To him, seeing his father carry his mother out every day had become a joy to watch. Akua then gestured to the little boy to come closer and she hugged him tightly. Yaw turned and looked away because he felt guilty about what was happening to his marriage and then again he was afraid he might change his mind about the divorce at the last minute. He quickly held his wife in his arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, and then to the hallway. Her hand surrounded his neck softly and naturally as he held onto her body tightly; it was just like their wedding day. However, her much lighter weight made him feel very sad.
On the last day, when he held her in his arms he could hardly move a step. Their son had already gone to school so he held her tightly and said, “Darling, I had not noticed that our life lacked soo much intimacy”. He drove off as usual to work alone but half way through, he changed his mind and headed straight for Adzo’s apartment. Upon reaching the car park, he jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door and headed for apartment number 207 on the fifth floor. He was afraid that any more delay would make him change his mind about what he was about to do. Yaw pressed the door bell and Adzo opened the door with a very big smile on her face. “Honey, please come in and make yourself comfortable. What brings you here so early in the morning?”
Yaw said to her, “I am sorry, Adzo, but I do not want the divorce anymore”. She looked at him in astonishment and then touched his forehead. “Honey, are you alright? Do you have a fever”? She asked. Yaw moved her hand off his forehead and repeated what he said. “I am sorry Adzo, I said, I will not divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I did not value the details of our lives and not because we did not love each other any more”. As he spoke, he realized that ever since he carried his wife into his home on their wedding day, he had also vowed to hold onto her until death do they part. He now saw how foolish he had been and the great pain he had caused his wife. He was still in dreamland when Adzo woke him with a dirty slap across his face. “You son of a bitch! Get out of my house and come back no more!” She pushed him out and slammed the door behind her. Adzo crawled onto the sofa, the very place where they had made passionate love for the first time ten months ago, and burst into tears. “Oh Yaw, you will surely pay for this. I left my fiancée for you because I thought you really loved me!”. “Oh what a big fool I have been, God will surely punish you one day” She kept on saying these words as she wept and cried throughout the whole morning.
Yaw quietly climbed down the stairs and drove off in a state of guilt and total confusion. He drove around town for several minutes sobbing softly and not knowing where to go. He spotted a floral shop on the way, and then a thought flashed through his mind. “Oh damn! Why not!” he said to himself as he stopped the car. He quickly wiped the tears off his eyes with his hands and stepped out of the car. Then he walked into the shop to order a bouquet of fresh white roses. The sales girl asked him “Sir, what should I write on the card?” He smiled and wrote “Darling, I will carry you out every morning until death do us part”.
Folks, the very small details of our lives are what really matter in any relationship. It is not the mansion, the cars, properties, money at the bank, etc, etc, etc. All these things will definitely create an environment conducive for happiness to strive but they cannot give happiness in themselves so let us find and make time to be close to our spouse's, families, friends and loved ones.
There is a lot to learn from this short story and I urge you to pray after reading it and ask God to help you identify your shortcomings in order to enable you rekindle your relationship one more time. By so doing, we will be able to build strong relationships that can stand the test of time.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Secret Affair

The Secret Affair
After Kodwo left Araba’s apartment the next morning, he thought back on what she had said about her husband. She did not love him and yet she didn't want to leave him either, but the fact still remained he was a lousy man in bed. A good provider and considerate, but just not good in bed. And since she had gotten pregnant, he was afraid of harming her and hadn't laid a hand on her since. She understood, but understanding didn't ease the intense desire and passion which kept burning in-between her legs. Kodwo also talked about their secret relationship and decided to play it as it came. He had no desire for a long-term relationship and she wasn't about to leave her husband, so it seemed they were playing equal hands.
On Monday, when he saw her at work, he had to smile. Kodwo didn't have to wonder what she looked like under her clothes, because he already knew. But that didn't stop him daydreaming about her throughout the day.
For her part, Araba seemed happier than before and Kodwo shared a secret smile remembering how they had made love the whole night away just a day or two earlier. He admitted spending a good deal of the week thinking about her and the way she set his entire body on fire while they made love. He also remembered the way she would moan as he ran his hands over her body and played with her breasts and the Garden of Eden as well as how she also responded to being kissed all over her body while they made passionate love and how tightly she had held unto him through out the night. It as if he was the last straw she could clutch unto in an ocean of pure ecstasy and passionate love making. For a moment he thought it was all fantasy and that he was either dreaming it or imagining the whole affair.
On Wednesday afternoon, during their lunch break at the Mukase restaurant, located in the airport residential area, they both got to talk alone and made a date for Friday night, since her husband was due back from trek on Sunday evening. She didn't want to take any chances of hurting him, so she wanted to keep Saturday night free. They met at the same restaurant and had dinner. They then went to watch a movie at the Silver Bird cinema located in the Accra shopping mall after which they then left for his place this time. Kodwo lived a little out of town on the Dodowa road and the place was pretty secluded; surrounded by thick trees and a good distance from his nearest neighbour. He had acquired that place, a farm house located on a 20 acre stretch of land when he returned back home after spending almost 13 years overseas. Kodwo had acquired enough wealth to start up a small business of his own as an IT consultant. He was also very much interested in farming as a hobby. As soon as they got inside, he stepped up behind her and put his arms around her and stroked her belly. Araba was three months pregnant getting unto four. He could feel how taut she was and let his hands linger for a while and then moved up to her breasts which he felt through the blouse she was wearing. The scent of the perfume she ware that evening was soo enchanting and captivating that it really set the tone for a night of total bliss. Kodwo marveled at the firmness of her breasts and the way her nipples would poke through her bra and blouse. She also responded by pressing against him and rubbing her buttocks against his crotch. Kodwo at this moment began to feel the rush of adrenaline flow through his body thus making him have an immediate hard on so he started kissing and nibbling on her ears and neck while he continued to fondle her nipples. After a couple of minutes, she turned around and reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him.
As she did, her tummy rubbed against his crotch and he felt a flash of lightning bolt shoot through his body almost making him drop to his knees. He still hadn't yet figured out what it was about this pregnant woman that turned him on so much, but she really did have an amazing effect on him. They continued kissing for a few moments and then he led her into the coziness of the bedroom upstairs, which he called the den and there he fixed two dry martinis on ice from the mini cock tail bar. He also put her favourite Kojo Antwi CD into the player turning down the volume very low to allow the soft love music complete the romantic ambience of the dim lighted room. Araba told him she was going to savour her drink, as it would probably be one of the few she was going to have until the baby was born. As they sipped the drinks, they discussed their work and things in general. They also realized that the opportunity might be one of the few chances they would have since her husband was coming back soon so delaying only increased the awareness of each other. Kodwo just couldn't keep his eyes off of Araba while they talked, because her body was still shapely in spite of her pregnancy and he thought she was incredibly sexy for a woman in such a state. When they finished drinking, they got closer together and started kissing again while they let their hands rove over each other, like security personnel frisking bodies at an airport departure lounge.
Araba then started to unbutton Kodwos shirt so he moved away to help her, but she stopped him saying, "No Kodwo darling, let me do it. You undressed me last time and so it's my turn now." He resigned and let her undress him. When she finished unbuttoning his shirt, she pulled it from his jeans and threw it onto the bedside chair. His v-neck fruit of the loom vest was the next to join the shirt. She then ran her fingers through the hair on his chest, stroking her fingernails very gently up and down his skin. She then leaned forward and kissed each of his nipples and started to run her tongue all over his hairy chest. Kodwo hadn't had a woman do that to him in a long while since his separation with his fiancée Dora, so the feeling was super. It was like her tongue and fingers were setting off little firecrackers inside him. He started to feel his manhood getting hard again and so he shifted in his chair to get more comfortable. As he did that, she grabbed his belt and undid the buckle, pulling him up a little as she did. He then realized she wanted him to stand up, so he obeyed, facing her. Araba undid the button and pulled down the zipper of his brown wrangler jeans. She pulled them down and let them gather around his ankles, leaving them there. She then rubbed his manhood through the boxer’s shorts, feeling it strain to be free from the material, but not letting it go just yet. She kept stroking it while he moaned softly until he was almost about to climax right there into his shorts.
Finally, she lowered his shorts and watched as his manhood sprang free, waving just a few inches in front of her belly. With both his shorts and jeans still stuck around the ankles, he couldn't move without falling and she realized it. She looked up, and smiled at him, and then she licked her lips in mockery fashion at him. Not touching him, she took his manhood in her hands and gently fondled it, rolling it in her hand, stroking it, and then running her fingernails across the skin. At this point she was at the verge of driving him into cloud nine when he begged her to stop saying “Please Araba stop before you drive me nuts”. She replied, "You made Friday night memorable, and I'm going to make tonight even more so” and with that, she leaned forward and kissed him passionately on the lips. She then leaned back and looked at him and told him to finish undressing after she was done with me. She unbuttoned her own blouse and slacks and opened them up. She took off her blouse and started playing with her nipples, squeezing them inside her bra and pinching them through the fabric.
Then she said, "One good thing about being pregnant is that my nipples are starting to get larger. I've always thought they were a little small, what do you think?" As she finished her statement, she cupped her boobs and lifted them up for his inspection, still inside the bra cups. "Oh," she said, "I guess you can't judge them properly inside my bra, so let me take it off." And she did, again cupping them and lifting them for his final inspection. Kodwo bent forward to play with them, but she stopped him and said, "No, you can't touch them just yet." By now Kodwo was very confused and getting a little bit irritated and impatient because he didn't know when her game was going to end, even though it was driving him crazy with desire. His manhood was standing up straight and he could feel it throbbing as she continued to play with her nipples, now fondling and pinching them without the interference of her bra. Her nipples were by now hard and erect, sticking out like little buttons on her boobs. Kodwo earnestly wanted to hold and suck them, but she wouldn't let him.
"It makes me hot to see you want me soo desperately," she said, "and I want to make you hotter than you've ever been before." "You're well on your way, but can't I sit down, this isn't really comfortable." Kodwo responded. She added, "Not yet my darling, but soon, very soon my darling." With this she got off the sofa and pulled down her underwear over her swelling belly down to her ankles. As she removed them, she lifted one leg and then the other very gently and slowly, and in the process giving Kodwo a quick glimpse of the darkish patch between her legs and under her panties. She threw her underwear onto the floor and spread out her legs slightly. Kodwo could just barely see the darker triangle between her legs as she started rubbing her hands over her belly, tracing the swelling outline of her pregnancy. He could easily tell that her skin was sensitive because every so often she would shiver as she ran her hands over her body. As her hands worked lower, he wanted to climax again, but realized she didn't want that, so he just stood there and watched as she played with herself. Finally, she began playing with herself with both hands.
"I bet I know exactly what you want from me tonight," she said. Kodwo smiled back and replied hoarsely, "I'll bet you do too so please don’t keep me waiting too long." "Soon, darling soon" she said. And with that, she helped me shuffle back a few paces, then quickly removed her panties and lay down on the sofa. She then raised her legs very high and beckoned him to approach the valley of love. A long, low moan escaped her lips as he lowered himself unto her. They both made passionate love until they climaxed and slumped down onto the carpet like a tired and hungry man who had just returned home after a hard days work to his bed. They made love again twice amidst shouts of ecstasy, screams and moaning until they brought themselves into a series of multiple climaxes.
Kodwo was able to make Araba climax several times and as they lay there, gently kissing and romancing she said “That’s was a job well done Kodwo”. "And that's just for starters; we still have the whole night ahead of us." They went out onto the balcony overlooking the lake where they sat down on a raffia mat for a while, again kissing and sipping another round of drinks.
They were both fully nude and started running their hands over each other's body. Kodwo admired the way Araba had kept herself in shape. She was obviously spending a lot of time at the health club she belonged to at Labone, a very prestigious suburb of Accra. He asked her about it, and she told him she was attending aerobics classes for pregnant women. He also told her the program was really working well and that she was still looking very sexy. As they talked, they both started getting excited again. Kodwo ran his hands over her belly and felt her shudder slightly. As he moved up to her boobs, she lay back on the mat and closed her eyes. He pinched and pulled on her nipples, gently rolling each one between his fingers and watching it stiffen and become erect. He then started kissing her all over again beginning with her face and working his way downward towards her toes.
Shivers ran through her whole body as she climaxed, but not as hard as the first time and every so often, she would shudder and give a little sigh of satisfaction. Kodwo’s ego was riding high at the pleasure he was able to give her. Finally, she stopped shuddering and lay back contented on the mat. She smiled sweetly at Kodwo and said, "That was great darling, I have never ever climaxed that hard in my entire life before." At that, Kodwo’s ego took off to an even higher level which pleased and excited him that he could make her that happy and contented. He got up and sat down beside her and kissed her again very passionately.
“Its now my turn to set your body on fire” she said. She then licked her lips and looked down at his manhood and saw it standing at attention. She reached down and took it in her hand and started stroking it and said, "I hope I can please you the same way you pleased me." He told her he was sure she could and moved so that she could have better access to his entire body. For the next 30 minutes or so Araba sent him to clould-9 and back several times.
"Araba," he finally said, "that was the best climax I have ever been given and I want to make a small confession." At this, she looked a little worried, but he told her why he thought he had climaxed so fast several times. "When I look at your body naked and see the swelling of your tummy, I get very excited. Frankly, I'm not sure why, but your pregnancy adds to my excitement." "I'm glad," she told him with a sign of relief and continued, "I like pleasing you and if being pregnant add to your excitement, that's even better. Darling, I also want to let you know that it builds my self-image. Even though I'm not that far along, until last week, I was concerned about losing my attractiveness." "You don't have to worry about that with me, at least. But I will admit, I don't feel that way about all pregnant women, it’s just you my sweetness." And with that, he lifted her back onto the mat and kissed her hard on the lips.
They made love again in the coolness of the balcony and as they did Kodwo saw she was building up to her climax again, so he changed his motion by slowing down the tempo to allow for a longer, lasting climax together. He started fondling her body again and felt a slight tremor start to build and then he knew the end was near, so he began to increase the tempo of his love making. Meanwhile, her eyes were shut tightly and she was moving her head from side to side, moaning and groaning at the same time as she approached climax. Finally, they both climaxed and went limp on the mat drenched in sweat and in complete exhaustion. His manhood had now lost its hardness and he leaned forward to kiss her again and said “thank you my sweetness for making my evening memorable”. She looked deeply into his eyes and replied, “you are welcome my darling” and kissed him back.
They spent the rest of the night in intermittent love making and catnapping. Just before he took her home the next morning, they eat a big English breakfast, which Kodwo had prepared himself after which they promised to get together again as soon and as often as they could. Kodwo also told her he was a very experienced gourmet cook to which she said she couldn’t wait to sample his handiwork the next time they met.
The End.
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