Kwame could hardly wait for court proceedings to end so he kept tapping on the table with his pen most of the time and staring at the giant clock hanging above the judge. Soon, proceedings were over and judgment was in favour of his client. Kwame had once again won another high profile case and this put him in very good stead with the law firm. His boss was very happy with the out come and congratulated with a promise to increase his shares in the company.
Kwame rushed off to the office to change his shirt and put on a dinner jacket. He had a date with Anima at the Afrikiko restaurant at 7pm and he did not want to be late. He got caught up in a little traffic but he managed to get there right on time. As he stepped out of his car, a black Mercedes Benz pulled up next to his car. The door opened and out came a stunning beauty. One glance at her was enough to make any man choke on his own saliva. It was Anima. She stretched forth her hand and Kwame gave it a gentle kiss as he led her into the restaurant.
They finished dinner at about 9pm and settled down to savour their drinks. As they nursed and sipped the drinks, they discussed things in general and then talked about the plans for the up coming funeral and about how she was going to quickly settle down to take over the management of the multi-million dollar business which her dad had left behind for her. Anima was an only child and so the burden was going to be very heavy on her since her mum was not going to be around for the funeral. They also realized that the opportunity might be one of the few moments they might have together catching up on old times. Kwame just couldn't keep his eyes off her while they talked, because her body was still trim and shapely and he thought she was incredibly sexy for a woman in her middle 30s.
When their drinks were finished, he settled the bill and they left the restaurant, and headed towards the car park. “Let’s go to my place for a night cup” Anima whispered into Kwame’s ear as they got into their separate cars. “I was hoping to hear you say this; why not? It’s only half past nine” “Okay, you lead the way and I will follow right behind you” he replied. They drove off headed for Animas place. Kwame once again called his wife to tell her he was having a meeting with a client so he will come home late but the answering machine picked the call. “Honey, I will be late tonight so please do not stay up. Kiss the kids goodnight for me. Bye”.
They arrived at Anima’s place and settled down in the sitting room. The servant came in to ask if there was anything she could do for them, but Anima said no. “That will be all for the day Mansa, you may go to bed now” “Thank you madam” she replied and left the room. After talking for a while, Anima excused herself for a few minutes saying “Kwame, let me go freshen up, I won’t be long. Make yourself comfortable; eat and drink what ever you want. There is plenty of food in the kitchen”. With that, she picked up her shoes and run upstairs. “I brought some nice DVD’s; they are in the cabinet so feel free to watch them if you want!”
Kwame went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. This was the same old kitchen he once visited some 15 years ago when they were in university. He had once paid her a visit at home during the long Easter vacation while her dad was out of the country on a business trip. Her mother was a very nice woman who asked him to go into the kitchen where Anima was cooking lunch. He ended up helping her cook the food to the amazement of the mother and since then, he was always welcome to the house. The fridge and cooker were still positioned at the same place; nothing had really changed except for a large deep freezer which now stood where the washing machine used to be. He took out a can of orange juice and returned to the sitting room. He picked up an old photo album from the coffee table and started flicking through it. He saw pictures of Anima which were taken since she was a child up to the time when she first entered university.
He realised for the first time that in the almost ten years of not seeing each other, she had indeed not really changed that much except for the fact that she had grown even prettier than ever before. Memories of their school days came flooding back again, and he remembered the first time they made love. Anima was a virgin then and he remembered how she had cried out in pain during intercourse. They did not use a condom so she was very much afraid of getting herself pregnant and he had to re-assure her that everything was okay. The other few times they made love were quite better and this time around Anima brought a box of assorted condoms for him to keep in his suitcase. She also counted them to make sure that he did not use them on any other woman but her. That was the girl Anima; the lady who always made sure that she was in control of affairs. She never ever left anything to chance. At the though of this, Kwame looked up, smiled and then shook his head.
“Just what are you smiling about dear?” The soft husky voice jolted him and nearly knocked him off the sofa. “I didn’t hear you come in” Kwame replied. “It’s because you were thousands of miles away from here” she said. “Your photos brought back sweet memories and I couldn’t help reminiscing about the good old days we shared together” Kwame continued.
He then noticed that Anima had changed into a silk nightie. Her sweet fragranced perfume had filled the room with the perfect scent of a woman. The transparent material revealed the shapely figure underneath it and the view sent some electric signals up his crotch and he felt a bulge beginning to develop in his pants. Anima looked down at him and smiled, “isn’t it too bright in here? Let me turn on the dim lights”. With that she turned off the bright ones. “Now this is much better”.
“Let me make you a cup of coffee”, then she left for the kitchen to prepare the coffee. Ten minutes later, she returned with a coffee tray and set it down before him. She opened the flask and poured out two cups, added some sugar and milk to taste and then handed one to Kwame. “Just the way you like it, hot and steamy!” she said. Kwame took a sip and remarked; “Yeah hot and steamy just like you! You still haven’t forgotten how to make great coffee huh?”
They sat before the TV and watched a movie, and then they talked for a while until it was past midnight. Kwame got up to leave saying “Anima, I have to go now, it’s late and Abena would be waiting up for me; she always does that even though I have told her not to”. Anima laughed and said “Don’t worry, let me see you off before Abena pounces on me for holding up her husband all night long”. Kwame took her in his arms as they got closer to the car and they started kissing while they let their hands rove over each other, “I will see you again tomorrow okay” then he said goodnight and drove off.
Anima stood in the drive way and thought to herself, wondering why on earth she did not marry Kwame. If only her father had accepted him as he was, she would have been happily married to the man she once loved and still loves. She had not yet told Kwame she had known no other man apart from him ever since he broke her virginity. If only she had sent that letter she wrote before leaving, all would have been well by now. She stood there for a while and then went back into the house. She cleared the table and sent the tray to the kitchen, switched off the lights and went upstairs to bed.
To Be Continued ...