They met the following afternoon at 12 noon for lunch at one of Kwame’s favourite food joints called the Bush canteen located in the East Airport residential area. He ordered his usual fufu and green akrantie soup with goat, crabs and snails. When the waiter put the food on the table, Kwame licked his lips and exclaimed; “This is the real deal! It contains all the vitamins one would need for a healthy life!”. “Hmmm, I thought this was the exact opposite Kwame, this will rather send you to your grave quick” she replied with a smile. “If that were so, my grand dad would not have lived for 98 solid years on this kind of food!” Kwame continued. They both ate together in a big earthen ware bowl and drank fresh pineapple juice squeezed from the fruit and also discussed the funeral arrangements into detail and came up with a check list for Anima to follow up on contacts which would help provide the necessary items for the burial.
The funeral would not be a society one but a very simple private one. Only close family relations and a few friends and business associates would be invited. The funeral will be held at the house because it had a very extensive ground capable of hosting close to 800 people, after which burial would take place at the Osu crematorium. Animas father had written in his will that he wanted be cremated upon his death and that the funeral should be a simple one. It was Anima’s intention to carry out her fathers’ last wish to the letter. Kwame had to meet some clients at 4pm so they departed and promised to meet later in the evening for dinner at Anima’s place. She drove off to discuss the funeral plans with her uncle who lived in Tema.
Dinner was served in the terrace where they both eat a sumptuous meal of roast chicken and curry rice, which the cook had prepared. Anima poured out her favourite chilled sweet red wine in two glasses and they toasted to a long overdue home coming. After dinner, Anima said she wanted to go clubbing like old times so Kwame drove to Citizen Kofi, one of the coolest places to club in town where they had a nice time drinking, dancing and talking. The scent of the perfume she ware that evening was soo enchanting and captivating that it really set the tone for a night of total bliss. Since it was a Friday evening, Kwame said he had no plans for Saturday so they could stay on until morning if she liked.
They left the club at about 4.00am and got to Anima’s place in 30 minutes. As they got out of the car, Kwame noticed she was very happy and when they got into the house she asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee since it was already hitting morning but he declined. “Let me relax for a while before I leave” he said, and then he removed his shoes and lay down on the sofa. Anima sat by him and they began talking about things in general. She told him she had not had such a good time in over eight years of living in the UK. She said it was either work or school and no time to chill out with friends. She told him many guys came her way but she just wasn’t interested in any of them except the one guy who was now out of her reach, even though she would give anything in the world to get him back. “And who is this lucky guy that eventually captured your heart?” he asked.
“You! It’s you Kwame” she replied. “I have always loved you ever since I first set eyes on you. Remember the day we bumped into each other and you broke my cell phone?” “Yeah, I do remember that day. Infact I felt soo embarrassed and I promised getting you another one which couldn’t do. But I thought you had moved on with your life after you left me the way you did”. “No Kwame, I had always loved you and I still do. I felt very ashamed of myself looking at the way I left you so I decided to let fate take its cause. I think my punishment for that is you are now married and settled down, so I have to look for my own life long partner if I can”. Kwame looked sadly at her and then quietly said, “I waited for two years, hoping to hear from you but nothing happened, so I knew it wasn’t meant to be; perhaps we were not meant for each other after all”. “Kwame, I hope you have totally forgiven me for the way I treated you. You were so good to me and I had no right to do this to you. If only I could turn back the time, I would have …”
“Shiih! Please stop it!” Kwame quickly put a finger to her lips and said, “It’s not your fault at all, I am the man so I could have put in more effort at finding you, but I just sat down and waited; that’s not how a man who loves his woman should behave” Kwame said that just to ease the guilt Anima felt. He didn’t want to see the pain she felt as the tears flowed down her cheeks so he took out his handkerchief and wiped her eyes. “Its all right dear, don’t you worry; I still love you” as he drew her close to himself and patted her on the back. “I am soo sorry” she said, as her face lit up with a smile. “Kwame still loves me!” she thought to herself as she held him very tightly. “Let’s go upstairs so you can relax properly. The maid would come in any moment from now” she whispered into his ears. “I won’t eat you up if that’s what you are thinking; let’s go now!” she continued with a smile on her face. Kwame shrugged and then replied “Well, you know I am married and I shouldn’t be here with you in the first place; but if you insist, then promise me you won’t lead me into temptation”. “I won’t! Trust me, I won’t; no shaking!” and with that, she dragged him off the sofa and led him upstairs.
As soon as they got into the bedroom she quietly stepped up behind him and put her arms around him and stroked his chest through his shirt. As she did that, her breasts began to rub against his back and he felt a flash of lightning bolt shoot through his body almost making him shudder uncontrollably. She smiled and turned him around and started unbuttoning his shirt. Kwame just stood there motionless like a man who had just seen a ghost. “You promised you won’t lead me into temptation, now look what you are doing to me” Kwame finally spoke. “Do you want me or not?” she replied. “All I want to do is to help you relax after a hectic week. Let me ran a hot tub for you to wash down” and with that she left the room to fill up the Jacuzzi. Kwame sat on the edge of the bed and removed his trousers and vest. He suddenly released for the first time that he desperately desired Anima and wanted to make love to her. At the thought of that, a bulge began to develop in his boxers so he took out one of the pillows and placed it on his lap.
Anima returned undressed leaving on a G-string nylon pantie. She led him into the bathroom and helped him remove his boxers and then she bent down and slipped out of her own panties and embraced him. Kwame held her tightly in his arms and kissed her on the lips and then turned her around so that her back now faced him. Kwame marvelled at the firmness of her breasts and the way her nipples stood out stiffly to the touch of his fingers as he caressed them from behind. Anima also responded by pressing against him and rubbing her buttocks against his crotch. He began to feel the rush of adrenaline flow through his body thus making him almost climax behind her. Upon hearing Kwame’s groan, she quickly turned around to face him and saw his complete hard on, so she started kissing and nibbling on his ears and neck while he continued to fondle her nipples. After a couple of minutes, she turned around and said “Darling, lets get into the bath and I will help you relax”. With that, she reached up on her tiptoes to kiss him and then lowered herself into the Jacuzzi. Kwame followed suit and lowered himself into the bath so that he was now positioned in between her legs with his back facing her.
To Be Continued in Part-IV ...